Thursday, June 20, 2019
Thursday, 20 June 2019, 08:59 - we're aware of Dallas connectivity issues and are investigating now. Thursday, 20 June 2019, 09:09 - issue resolved and everything back online. Please do open a ticket if you're still seeing connectivity issues. Thank you.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Friday, 31 May 2019, 07:45 - Some customers are reporting connectivity issues to our Dallas location. If this is affecting you, please run a traceroute from yourself to one of your Dallas services and provide it in a ticket. Thank you. Friday, 31 May 2019, 08:11 - Issue is solved, waiting for confirmation of stability from datacenter. Friday, 31 May 2019, 09:40 - Issue confirmed solved, RCA...
Sunday, May 5, 2019
We are rebooting dalpremium12 node to fix unstability issues. It should come back up in the next 5 minutes. Update 08:14. All VPS's are booted back up.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Saturday, 20 April 2019, 08:39 - we're aware of the packet loss in Dallas and are investigating now. Saturday, 20 April 2019, 09:23 - issue has been resolved and network should be stable now. Please do ticket in if you're still seeing packet loss.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Sunday, 24 March 2019, 17:49 - We're aware that this server is currently offline. We've reached out to the datacenter and are currently assessing the situation. Further updates will be tagged to this announcement as they become available. Thank you for your patience. Sunday, 24 March 2019, 21:50 - The node is back online, we're awaiting an RFO from the DC. Your VMs should now all be coming...
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 01:04 - We are aware on the connectivity issues affecting some of our Storage VPS Dallas customers. This is related to an emergency maintenance of our upstream provider. Pending further updates. Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 04:01- Connectivity issues are resolved.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Saturday, 16 February 2019, 14:11 - we are aware of the Dallas connectivity issues and are investigating now. Saturday, 16 February 2019, 14:19 - connectivity is back, awaiting confirmation from the datacenter for stability.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Due to a potential PDU issue in our UK cabinet, our DC is going to perform a PDU swap. During this time ukhighram1, ukhighram2, ukhighram3 and ukhighram4 is going to be offline for a period. The maintenance is going to take place at Thursday February 7th, 2019 @ 5:00PM CST. The maintenance window is for a few hours but we are expecting that the VPS's are going to come online within 30-40...
Friday, February 1, 2019
Friday, 01 February 2019, 20:04: We've detected connectivity issues affecting our UK nodes, we're currently investigating. Will keep you posted. Friday, 01 February 2019, 23:46: Services seem to be back online. We'll continue observing the situation and monitoring the nodes.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Monday, 14 January 2019, 09:24 - we are investigating an issue with our lastorage1 host node. We will update this announcement as we have more information. Monday, 14 January 2019, 10:22 - This issue is now resolved, root cause was a PDU issue which has been replaced.