Sunday, April 5, 2015
Investigating High Packetloss in our LA location. At this time it appears to be DC wide. This appears to be resolved now
Sunday, March 29, 2015
We're currently investigating an outage of our node3 server in LA. Update: This is resolved.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
We are investigating high packetloss on node dalwest2. Packetloss should be resolved. Cause was incoming DDOS
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
2015-02-11 2039 CST: We are acknowleding a vlan outage in Dallas at the moment. We're engaging the datacenter to look into the issue. If your server is "down" and this announcement does not say [SOLVED], yes, your server is on this vlan. 2015-02-11 2055 CST: From the datacenter, this encompasses more than just us. Their twitter feed: 2 015-02-11 2102...
Friday, January 16, 2015
We are rebooting dalpure7 at the moment. Your VPS should come back online in 10 minutes. We are frequently having lock ups on this node and we are planning to migrate VPS's to a new node soon. Update: All VPS's are back online.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
We have faced yet another kernel panic on dalstorage3. The server is rebooting. We are going to send a replacement for this server and migrate the data. Update: The server is offline. We are working on a solution. Update: The server was keep rebooting itself. We are thinking that this was due to half applied patches by Kernel care. The last kernel has been reinstalled to avoid this issue....
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
We are facing a network issue that's affecting dalstorage2 dalstorage3 dalstorage4 dalpure7 and dalpure8. This will be fixed in a few minutes. Update: 21:18: We are back up.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
dalstorage3 is offline and we are working on it. Update: The server has kernel paniced. We have rebooted it and it's currently running fsck. Update: The serer has booted, it's booting VPS's. Your VPS should come online in the following 20 minutes of this post (3:56 AM CST)
Friday, January 9, 2015
15:44 :investigating. Node appears to have kernel panicked 15:48: node back online, VMs are booting
Thursday, January 8, 2015
08:09: Our dalstorage4 storage server is being rebooted for a filesystem check. This announcement will be updated when complete. 08:55: This didn't go quite as planned. We are working the situation and will provide more information when we can. 09:17: All clients on this server have been emailled the following: === Hello, We are writing to you because you have active service on...