Unfortunately, this service plan is out of stock.
This product line is only for storing long term cold storage or backup storage. Serving content is forbidden.

VDS250GB Specifications

Disk Space: 250GB
Memory: 2GB
vSwap: 512MB
Traffic: 2TB
Uplink: 1Gbps
IPv4: 1 IPv4

Choose Billing Cycle

$5.00 USD Monthly
$60.00 USD Annually

Configure VPS

Hostname: eg. server1.yourdomain.com
Root Password:

Configurable Options

Operating System
Extra IP Address

Addon Services

10 minutes of admin time- $20.00 USD One Time
If you'd like something configured that can be handled in 10 minutes (Installing VPN server, setting up cPanel/Plesk backups, etc.), you can purchase this addon after opening a ticket and confirming with us.
Varnish Setup- $25.00 USD One Time
We will install and configure Varnish Cache for your VPS for one time. This service does not include any recurring support for the software.

Order Summary