ukpure11 RAM upgrade

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

15 June 2016 | 11:28 AM - the following advance notice of a maintenance outage has been sent to affected customers:


We are writing to inform you of an upcoming short outage on our ukpure11 server where you have active service.

We will be shutting this server down at approximately 21:40 GMT+1 Thursday, June 16, 2016 to swap RAM within the server. We have this action planned for a 22:00 start time with the datacenter, and have directed them to work to ensure that everything is set up properly so that work can begin as soon as the server is powered off to minimize downtime.

All VMs on the server will be gracefully shut down before the host node is shut down. No data will be modified within VMs in any way or form. Please take this time to ensure that your VM reboots without issue to ensure that it comes back online when the server is powered on again.

We expect this maintenance action to take no more than 60 minutes or so once the RAM swap work begins, but could take longer if any issues are encountered.

We have posted an announcement of this work here and will use this to post further updates as necessary. Please reference this link for more information as the maintenance progresses:

Thank you for your continued patronage. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket with us to discuss further.

-VPSDime Team

16 June 2016 | 15:41 PM - shutdown command has been issued on the node, VMs are powering down

16 June 2016 | 16:23 PM - server is back online and booting VMs now. Your VM will be online shortly if it's not already. Thank you for your patience. 

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