Dallas Outage

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 6:22 - Our Dallas location is currenty unreachable. We're working with the engineers on site to bring your services back online ASAP. 

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 07:34: Our datacenter has let us know that there is a massive power outage in Dallas, TX which is affecting a lot of datacenters and residents currently. We are waiting for the engineers to handle the problem.

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 08:24 - Please avoid ticketing in asking if there's any estimate, do you have any updates, etc. Support team doesn't have any new or different information that we wouldn't be putting here already. 

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 09:13 - this appears to be resolved and services back online. We're keeping an eye on things to make sure everything is active. 

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 09:18 - Some host nodes are not coming up. We're taking a look at these now. 

Sunday, 26 May 2024, 16:51 - All nodes except dalvz7highram15 and dalvz7highram16 are online. A separate announcement is created for those 2 nodes.

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