Outage on dalwest4

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/27/2015 13:59 - We are investigating an outage of our dalwest4 server. We will update this announcement as we have more information.

10/27/2015 14:08 - We have determined the server is not showing a network link. We're looking further at the intermediate network hardware.

10/27/2015 15:02 - 10gbit NIC and fiber have been replaced, and the server is now back online.

10/28/2015 01:57 - We are facing the same hardware issue with the server again. We are working on getting this fixed ASAP.

10/28/2015 02:03 - We have got the server back online by downgrading it to 1G connection for now. We are going to schedule a complete server chassis swap in the US morning time.

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