Affiliate Program

Earn 10% Recurring Commission For Each Sale

10% recurring comission
$50 minimum withdrawal limit

VPSDime Affiliate Program

VPSDime is well-known for providing generous amounts of resources at an inexpensive price to encourage new business startups and innovation in existing enterprises. Continuing our growth, we've come up with a referral program that offers our affiliates a substantial percentage of revenue generated by a referred service as a commission for the life of that service.

How It All Works

It's very easy to get started! Our affiliate scheme provides you 10% commission per sale. What makes us unique is that you will continue to receive 10% for that service every time they renew as well (i.e. every recurring payment). All you need is an account with us and you will receive a unique affiliate link to get you off the ground.

Service Recurring Commission Minimum Withdrawal
Linux VPS 10% $50.00
Windows VPS 10% $50.00
Premium VPS 10% $50.00
Storage VPS 10% $50.00

No need to jump through any hoops.

You don’t even need to be a client. All you need to do is sign-up as an affiliate.

All From Your Client Panel

Manage your affiliates and view your stats in one place without hassle
so you can spend more time promoting.

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Generating Commissions

We appreciate your work to promote us, and that's why we offer a very generous referral commission. Not only will you gain 10% of the first payment, but also 10% of all future recurring payments for the life of the service.

Reliable Tracking

Our sophisticated tracking systems are built with reliability in mind. Your unique tracking link, when visited, will automatically set a cookie that lasts for 30 days.

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Automated Managment

Our client panel automatically manages the affiliate program. That means you no longer have to manually notify us of your referrals or jump through extra hoops to get credited for them.

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How to Generate Revenue

  • Link to us on your website sidebar or footer.
  • Promote our services in community forums.
  • Write a review about your VPSDime experiences on your blog.
  • Put up a banner on your sites to convince your users to signup using your link.

You're just one click away from making money!