VPSDime Network map

VPSDime Looking Glass

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Network Information

Server Location: Dallas, TX
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Test Files: 100MB 1GB 10GB
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Network Tests

About Our Network

Transit Providers
Peer Exchanges
Gbps Transit Capacity
Direct Network Peers

Optimized Routing with high quality Tier 1 networks

Our network is a blend of Level 3, Century Link, XO Communications, Comcast Business Class NTT America (formerly Cogent), GTT and Hurricane Electric. We also peer with Telia Carrier and Any2 Exchange in New York City; TIE Networks in Los Angeles; DE-CIX Frankfurt Germany's Delegations Internet Exchange (FLiX) peering points across the globe. When you have so many connections to multiple destinations around the world your network will always perform optimally no matter where it goes or what happens along the way because our self-healing infrastructure ensures that there are alternative paths for data transfer should any one connection fail unexpectedly.

Tremendous Transit Capacity

Thanks to our over 850 Gbps network capacity, we can accommodate even the most demanding bandwidth requirements.

Better Than BGP

Our Noction Intelligent Routing Platform (IRP) analyzes the internet's performance to find out whether normal BGP route selection is truly the fastest path for data or latency-sensitive applications. It improves over 130,000 network prefixes every day by providing better latency and jitter elimination while improving overall speed.

Network Peering with Over 500 Direct Peers

Moving data effectively across the Internet requires choosing the best possible route for transmission. Our 300+ direct peer relationships give us the choices we need to find the optimal path for your data.

DDoS Protection

Our network is DDoS protected and is able to handle small to medium attacks easily. Corero's state of the art security stops over 90% of malicious traffic at the edge, ensuring that every packet is valid.

High Capacity Ports Available

If you have extraordinary capacity needs, our network can provide 1, 10, 20 and 40Gbps ports for your transmission requirements.

Fast Private Network

A fast, scalable backend infrastructure is crucial for a successful cluster. Our 10Gbps private network ensures your data can flow quickly and securely across multiple solutions within one location or between locations if necessary.

Additional Networking Options

Powerful networking features to enable enterprises maximum flexibility

IPv6 Icon

IPv6 Connectivity

IPv6 is the future and most of our locations support IPv6 natively. Contact us to get IPv6 addresses allocated to your VPS.

Private Networking Icon

Private Networking

To have your VPS's connect each other in a very low latency and private environment you could take advantage of our private networking solutions.

Bring Your IP Space Icon

Bring your IP Space

For your bigger projects, we are able to announce your own IP space to take advantage of our networking with your own space.