All services are operating normally at this time.
Data Center | Current | Last Day | Last Month | Last Year |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
node1ssd, node2ssd, node3ssd, daldb, and dalpremium1 are in on-going migration now
dalpure6 rebooting
Dallas Datacenter Migration
Our datacenter has notified us that they are going to migrate our racks to their new datacenter in Dallas between 4th January 2016 and 16th January 2016.
We do not have an exact date for this migration to happen at this time. Once we know more, we will promptly update you.
We will make sure to have things migrated as quickly as possible without complications. There would be an at most 1 hour downtime because of this migration. The migration will most likely be done at US Central night time.
The new datacenter is only a few miles away and in the same city. One of our admins will be on site during the migration to keep an eye on things. So we expect things will go smoothly.
Please note that there won't be an IP change. You'll just notice a downtime while we take the servers down and move them physically to the new racks in the new datacenter.
With this migration, we are expecting to grow faster as a result of bigger footprint and better connectivity with private peering with providers such as Cloudflare, Akamai, Google, AWS, Facebook, Netflix, etc.
Please prepare your applications for this downtime and make sure to backup your important data before the migration just in case.
We are having a network issue
Ongoing maintenance on dalwest3 and dalstorage2
dalstorage4 offline
Los Angeles Network Outage
Los Angeles Network Downtime
ukpure3 and ukpure4 maintenance in progress now
2015-11-09: This action is complete and both servers are back online and booting VMs.
Our maintenance on ukpure3 and ukpure4 is in progress. Here's the email sent to all affected users:
We are emailing you because you have a service with us on either ukpure3 or ukpure4 nodes in the UK.
Maintenance Window
Start: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 2:00 AM GMT
End: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 2:30 AM GMT
Services Affected
VPS's on ukpure3 and ukpure4 nodes
Data Center
United Kingdom
Expected Impact
Downtime around 15-20 minutes
We are going to perform memory upgrade on these servers for better performance due to lower storage interaction.
The datacenter technicians are well prepared for this upgrade and we are planning to complete it in around 15-20 minutes. During the maintenance, both nodes will be inaccessible on your client area and therefore, you'd receive an error when you browse it.
We are going to gracefully shutdown your VPS. If you have any software running on your VPS that's not configured to start on boot, this would be a good time to configure it that way.
Should you have any questions regarding this event, please login to your client area and submit a ticket. Please do not reply this email address as this mailbox is not monitored.
VPSDime Team
Accidental downtime on yearly plans in Dallas
dalpure4 Outage
Outage on dalwest4
lapure1 rebooted
Network outage in our Los Angeles location
Outage in Dallas
Our datacenter is reporting an issue with one of their switches:
This has killed connectivity to the nodeXssd and dalyearly servers, along with daldb. This announcement will be updated as we know more.
This is now resolved, and all services should now be back online:
Downage in Dallas. We are working on the situation.
ukpure2 reboot
seapure1 is unresponsive
seapure1 is rebooted
ukpure1 is rebooted