All services are operating normally at this time.
Data Center | Current | Last Day | Last Month | Last Year |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Up | 100% | 100% | 100% |
lapure2 is having hardware issues
The issue started with a major packet loss on this node. We couldn't even get into the shell to check.
First, we have suspected a DDoS attack and alerted our datacenter. They told us that there was no attack.
Then we've gotten them to replace our cables as well as their cables to the top of the rack switch. This has not solved the problem.
Then we've gotten them to swap the network cable to the other ethernet port. Unfortunately, this has not solved the problem, either.
After eliminating the hardware issues, we have started to troubleshoot the issue (very slowly, due to the high load caused by the attack!) on the IPMI console further. And then we have realized that there was indeed an attack on one of the IPs which our DC failed to recognize.
We have nullrouted the target IP manually and the packet loss issue is gone.
Your VPS is currently up and running.
We are terribly sorry for the downtime this has caused you and we want to make it up to you. Please open a ticket to redeem $5 credit on your account for the trouble.
node1ssd kernel panic
Rebooting nj1
Rebooting Colocrossing Los Angeles Server
dalstorage3 Problem
Network problem in Los Angeles
Dallas issues
UK Maintenance
New Jersey Network Issues
node3 Los Angeles Network Issues
node3ssd ddos
DDoS attack on the Dallas storage VPS network
node3ssd reboot
More lapure1 problems
lapure1 problems.
We have tried to rescue the data off the volume, however, even the filesystems are not getting recognized on it.
Unfortunately, the data on the server is lost. As a reminder: we do have backups from ~6 hours ago.
The restoring process to the spare node is taking much longer than expected and it seems it'll need around 12-16 more hours. This is due to backup containing lots of small files.
To avoid that much waiting time, we have recreated the raid array on the old server and made sure it's working as expected to prepare it for a bare-metal restore from the backup server. This will eliminate for each file being recreated one by one and will do the restoring at block level.
The bare metal restore process is now running. And luckily, it's much faster.
As a compensation for this awful and unlucky event, we are going to apply 2 months worth of free credit to your account.
We'll update you when we get more progress on the matter.
The restore process is still going. Based on the calculations we have made, unfortunately, this will take around 16-18 more hours.
We realize that waiting for another 16-18 hours for your VPS to come back online may be unbearable.
If you have your own backups and would like a fresh VPS, please open a ticket and we'll provision one you immediately.
We are extremely frustrated for the outcome of the things and would love to make it up to you. Therefore, we are extending the account credit compensation to 3 months. We are going to apply a 3 months worth of free credit for your VPS on your account.
We are also going to work on a better disaster recovery strategy that would fix things much faster in the future if a terrible event like this ever happen.
We sincerely apologize.
The restoring process is still running. However, it has only restored around half of the data, yet.
If you could live with a fresh VPS and only need a few folders and databases from the backup, please open a ticket and we'll recreate your VPS on a different node with same IP and restore your folders and databases manually to get you online quicker.
Please use this template when opening a ticket:
Subject: Recreating VPS & Partial Restore
Contents: I'd like my VPS to be recreated on a different node with same IP address and would like the following folders restored:
And we'll put your files in /root/backup/ directory for you to move them to their original folders.
To restore your MySQL databases, please follow the steps:
0. Install the mysql-server package if you have not already.
1. Stop the MySQL server.
2. Delete your current /var/lib/mysql folder.
3. Move the mysql files from your backup to a new /var/lib/mysql folder. (The folder will be named mysql in your /root/backup folder. Simply issue the commands: mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql and cp -R /root/backup/mysql/* /var/lib/mysql)
4. Change the ownership of the database files. (chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql)
5. Then start the MySQL server.
We will work on cleaning everything up and confirming everything is as it should be before sending out an announcement email and applying credit.
We are glad to let you know that the restoring process has ended around 8 hours ago and we have run filesystem correcting processes.
Your VPS should be online for the last 7-8 hours. If you are having problems with your VPS, please open a ticket and we will either try to fix or restore your VPS from the backup manually.
ukstorage1 is rebooting
dalpure3 Downtime
dalpure3 connectivity issue
Los Angeles Network Problems
Los Angeles Network Issue