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All services are operating normally at this time.

Last Incident

Status: Resolved - Posted at: 11th October 2024 - 13:07

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Past Incidents


dalstorage3 Problem

Posted at: 26th November 2014 - 10:49

We are currently working on to get the server back online.

Update 11:32: This server has been brought back.

Network problem in Los Angeles

Posted at: 17th November 2014 - 18:09

There is an ongoing network issue on one of the nodes in LA. If you are on it, your VPS is down at the moment. We are working on it to resolve ASAP.

Update 18:21: This is resolved. Reason for outage will follow...

Dallas issues

Posted at: 17th November 2014 - 13:54

We are having an issue with one server. If you are on that one, your VPS is down at the moment. Please be patient while we are looking into the issue.

Update: 14:10: This is resolved. It was a DDoS attack.

UK Maintenance

Posted at: 16th November 2014 - 16:57

ukpure1 is under an emergency maintenance at the moment. ETA to come back online is 20 minutes. We are sorry for the trouble.

Update 17:53: Unfortunately, this is taking very long. We are still waiting an update from the datacenter technicians.

Update 17:57: The server is back up.

New Jersey Network Issues

Posted at: 21st October 2014 - 13:41

We are experiencing netwoırk problems in our New Jersey location.

Update 13:46: Issue has been resolved.

node3 Los Angeles Network Issues

Posted at: 15th October 2014 - 19:40

One of our Los Angeles nodes is with ColoCrossing and they are having network issues. They are currently working on it.

Update: 20:25: The network is back online.

The cause of the issue was: "The cause for the incident was due to a bug in the firmware our switches utilize. It had a bit of an impact on us because we just recently completed a significant network wide upgrade of all cabinet level switches. Subsequently all of our cabinets run the same type of switch now, so when an issue occurs it can happen on more than 1 cabinet at once."

node3ssd ddos

Posted at: 13th October 2014 - 04:31

A large DDoS attack halted the NIC on node3ssd before we had any chance to take action. This is resolved and VMs are in the process of booting up.

DDoS attack on the Dallas storage VPS network

Posted at: 11th October 2014 - 02:35

There is a huge DDoS attack happening on our Dallas Storage VPS network.

node3ssd reboot

Posted at: 8th October 2014 - 01:16

Node3ssd had to be rebooted for emergency unplanned maintanence. The server is back online and VMs should be coming up shortly.

More lapure1 problems

Posted at: 4th October 2014 - 12:14

lapure1 went offline again. We are looking into it.

Update: The node is back online. However, we are going to migrate off this server this week.

Please open a ticket if you are having troubles.

lapure1 problems.

Posted at: 2nd October 2014 - 06:53

We are rebooting this server to make it recognize a disk replacement. It should come back in 10 minutes.

Update 17:31: The raid volume isn't getting recognized. We are working on it.

Update 17:43: The raid volume got recognized. However, the OS is not booting. We are working on it.

This is a bigger issue now. Here are the details:

Description of the issue: A drive backplane issue happened on this server. Impact: Potential data loss. Details: On Tuesday, we have got alerted by a drive failure on the server and we went ahead and replaced the drive. However, the server didn't recognize it and still showed the port as failed. Then we tried with 2 other drives and nothing has changed. Today we have tried with yet another drive that has arrived to the DC a few hours ago. Nothing has changed. We have been seeing disk read/write errors in the logs and decided to do a cold reboot on the server. After the reboot, the raid controller marked 4 drives as failed. We have shut the server down and reseated the drives. We have powered it back on and the raid controller gave us an option to reactivate the raid volume after recognizing all the drives. We went ahead and reactivated the raid volume. However, the host OS didn't boot. We have booted the server with a Live OS and tried to view the volume status. The raid utility shows the volume as healthy, however the OS didn't recognize a partition table. We are now going to try recreating the partition table and the partitions to see if we can view the data on them. Restore Process: We have the backup of the server from ~6 hours ago. We have a spare node in the DC. We are currently restoring the data to this spare node to get your VPS online with the data that's from 6 hours ago. We except that this process will take around 2-3 hours. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience this issue caused you. Please open a ticket if you have any questions.


  We have tried to rescue the data off the volume, however, even the filesystems are not getting recognized on it.

Unfortunately, the data on the server is lost. As a reminder: we do have backups from ~6 hours ago.

The restoring process to the spare node is taking much longer than expected and it seems it'll need around 12-16 more hours. This is due to backup containing lots of small files.

To avoid that much waiting time, we have recreated the raid array on the old server and made sure it's working as expected to prepare it for a bare-metal restore from the backup server. This will eliminate for each file being recreated one by one and will do the restoring at block level.

The bare metal restore process is now running. And luckily, it's much faster.

As a compensation for this awful and unlucky event, we are going to apply 2 months worth of free credit to your account.

We'll update you when we get more progress on the matter.


The restore process is still going. Based on the calculations we have made, unfortunately, this will take around 16-18 more hours.

We realize that waiting for another 16-18 hours for your VPS to come back online may be unbearable.

If you have your own backups and would like a fresh VPS, please open a ticket and we'll provision one you immediately.

We are extremely frustrated for the outcome of the things and would love to make it up to you. Therefore, we are extending the account credit compensation to 3 months. We are going to apply a 3 months worth of free credit for your VPS on your account.

We are also going to work on a better disaster recovery strategy that would fix things much faster in the future if a terrible event like this ever happen.

We sincerely apologize.


The restoring process is still running. However, it has only restored around half of the data, yet.

If you could live with a fresh VPS and only need a few folders and databases from the backup, please open a ticket and we'll recreate your VPS on a different node with same IP and restore your folders and databases manually to get you online quicker.

Please use this template when opening a ticket:

Subject: Recreating VPS & Partial Restore

Contents: I'd like my VPS to be recreated on a different node with same IP address and would like the following folders restored:

And we'll put your files in /root/backup/ directory for you to move them to their original folders.

To restore your MySQL databases, please follow the steps:

0. Install the mysql-server package if you have not already.
1. Stop the MySQL server.
2. Delete your current /var/lib/mysql folder.
3. Move the mysql files from your backup to a new /var/lib/mysql folder. (The folder will be named mysql in your /root/backup folder. Simply issue the commands: mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql and cp -R /root/backup/mysql/* /var/lib/mysql)
4. Change the ownership of the database files. (chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql)
5. Then start the MySQL server.



We will work on cleaning everything up and confirming everything is as it should be before sending out an announcement email and applying credit.


We are glad to let you know that the restoring process has ended around 8 hours ago and we have run filesystem correcting processes.

Your VPS should be online for the last 7-8 hours. If you are having problems with your VPS, please open a ticket and we will either try to fix or restore your VPS from the backup manually.


ukstorage1 is rebooting

Posted at: 25th September 2014 - 04:23

Due to CPU lock up, we are rebooting this node.

dalpure3 Downtime

Posted at: 23rd September 2014 - 02:44

@8:45 AM BST: DALPURE3 became unresponsible moments ago. We have begun investigation.

@8:49 AM BST: The network is back up. We are investigating the cause.

dalpure3 connectivity issue

Posted at: 22nd September 2014 - 11:10

We have experienced a lock up on this node and had to proceed with a power cycle.

Update: 11:30 AM: The node is back up and VPS's are booting.

Update 11:50 AM: All VPS's look online. Please contact us if you have any issue.

Los Angeles Network Problems

Posted at: 21st September 2014 - 01:14

We are again seeing huge packet loss in this network. We are in contact with the DC.

Update: 01:39 AM: The issue looks resolved.

Los Angeles Network Issue

Posted at: 12th September 2014 - 03:17

We are having network issues in Los Angeles again. A good amount of packets are getting dropped and latency is high.

We are in contact with the DC.

Update: 03:22: The issue has been solved.


Posted at: 11th September 2014 - 05:31

@11:15AM BST 9/11/2014 NODE3SSD in Dallas became unresponsive moments ago. We have begun investigation and will update this announcement asap with additional information.

@11:28AM BST 9/11/2014 NODE3SSD has been rebooted. The issue was related to the kernel.

@11:32AM BST 9/11/2014 NODE3SSD is back online and VMs are being started. It may take up to 30 minutes for your VM to appear online because quota checks need to be ran.

Los Angeles Network Dropping Packets

Posted at: 1st September 2014 - 08:48

Our Los Angeles network is dropping packets. We are in contact with the DC.

Update: 8:52: The connection is stable again.

Update: 20:55: The issue is back again.

Update: 21:04: It looks resolved again.

DDos Happening in dalpure1

Posted at: 30th August 2014 - 15:53

We have an incoming DDoS attack on dalpure1. It should be taken care of shortly.

Update 15:54: This has been solved.

Packet Loss in Los Angeles

Posted at: 17th August 2014 - 11:58

We are experiencing some packet loss in this network. We are in contact with the DC. Please bare with us.

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